Saturday, August 23, 2014

WELCOME to the Art Gallery of GA and her GRANDKIDZ

My 'grande-fairies' have been taking art since they could hold a crayon and scribble on 'anything available' .. and that would not only be paper ... but walls, toys, body parts and anything else that stands still long enough!   (yessssss .. I had to give their American Girls dolls a good scrubbing a couple weeks ago .. WE HAD A SERIOUS TALK ABOUT THAT!)

Art has always been a 'passion' of mine .. but it is just since moving to the Toledo area to be near the grandz, that it has risen to importance in my life.   They are my 'muse' ... they are the reason I now have a little 'art studio' in our home.  NOT that the lack of a 'studio' think:  spare bedroom ..  has ever stopped us from 'doing art'.

I have purchased and read SO MANY  art books and  taken quite a few on-line art classes and have enough art supplies to paint the Cistene Chapel .. and now I feel a 'tad more' qualified to teach a little of this and a little of that to them.   (They pretty much take the on-line art classes along with me).

The girls have taken 'in-person' art classes at the Toledo Museum of Art for two years now.

Their first interest in on-line classes was with Carla Sonheim .. a wonderfully gifted art teacher.

Then with Chelle Stein .. a kind-hearted teacher who shares her FREE classes filled with inspiration each week.

Next, a class arranged by Carla Sonheim with Lynn Whipple (DOT.DOT.DOT.) which was sooooo much fun!   We are all just 'dotty' over this technique!

And now, fantastic primitive 'cherub-faced' doll art with Mindy Lacefield.   (I must admit, Mindy's style of painting (raw primitive) has just grabbed me by the heart!)

Alessandra Grace is four years old (will be five in November) .. and has an incredible 'grasp' of art and it's terms and execution and patience!

Iszabel Emma (who turned six in June) adores art and is often found with pencil and paper in hand.  Her favorite is RAINBOWS!

Sofia Catherine 'likes' art .. but at 'almost 8' (in September) .. her 'likes' are full and varied.  Just about every picture she paints has a PANDA somewhere in it.  (She has a Panda Blankee that she has had almost since birth and it is NEVER .. and i do mean NEVER .. far from her sight!)

The girls (and their GA) will be creating ART pieces from time to time .. and sometimes .. they will be up for 'adoption' (their PICTURES .. not the GRANDZ!)   The school year is just starting, so they may not be as 'prolific' in their art as they are during the summertime .. BUT .. I paid Alessandra TEN dollars for her first "primitive doll" painting (HER price .. "I" suggested FIVE DOLLARS .. she responded:   "HOW ABOUT TEN!") .. and posted it to my Facebook page .. and several people 'commissioned' art from her.

AND OH WOW!   when  Sofia and Iszabel got home from school and Ali danced around them waving that TEN DOLLAR BILL ... they learned that there is 'money to be made' in art .. and they RAN for their paint smocks!!

Ali 'fell to pieces' (almost literally) when she found out she had 'competition' .. 

I give you EXHIBIT A:

but then, we all sat down and 'discussed' the HEART of ART .. and I think now, all is well.

I have suggested to their big brother Lucas (who became an official teenager (13) just last week .. that he take wonderful photos for our Art Gallery .. and he is also a member of our Gallery.

We have 'made a pact' to SAVE any proceeds they make on their art to put towards future 'in-person' art classes.

I will post photos of the girls' art 'in progress' and the FINAL ART piece .. and if you see a little something you would like to add to your art collection, they will be thrilled!    There is just nothing like your art being 'appreciated' to encourage you to continue learning.

Over the years, I  have seen the girls go from 'scribble-scrabble' to truly 'good art' .. especially for their age.  We talk about 'purposeful art' .. where they take their time and go slowly .. and think about what they are drawing and painting .. and then doing their very very best in each piece.

I'll post on my FACEBOOK page, when new stories, photos and ART is here on our Art Blogsite.  I hope you will come visit.

P.S.   GA will be posting some of her 'art pieces' too and any pennies earned from sales will also go directly into their ART CLASSES fund.

IF you ever have a question, or comment, please feel free to post it.   If you, too, would like to paint along with us (especially if you have kidz, grandz or even neighborhood kidz you wish to share art-time with, we will be more than happy to help in any way we can.

NOW .. with that 'sed' .. if we have learned a 'technique' in a class .. out of fairness to the teacher, we will not divulge all her secret techniques .. but will be very happy to share with you links to their classes.  AND .. I highly recommend you take classes from these phenomenal teachers.

Again .. WELCOME .. and I so hope you enjoy this